Dear Theta Sisters,
It's been a VERY long time since I last posted on the blog and I send apologies to anyone who sent info that didn't get posted. If you sent me something and it's not included in this posting, please send it again!
Thanks to Pat Withers for sharing this photo from this year's luncheon which was held on October 21st at Maggie Mae's in New Paltz.
Thanks to Laurie Spiegel for the following information which was shared by some sisters who couldn't attend the luncheon:
From: Petrina(Tantillo) Tersillo ‘60
- Sorry I cannot make it this year. I will be on a cruise. Tell everyone sorry and am sending many hugs.
From: Nancy (Arcoleo) Erikson ‘59 - So sorry I'm unable to attend this year's luncheon. Medical issues keep me away unfortunately. Wishing all sisters a great time.
From: Carol Hearst Brott '63 - I will be in town for my Class Reunion but have another commitment for the same day and time. Please send my sisters in Theta my best along with special memories.
From: Priscilla (Tesone ) Tortorella ‘61 - Timing is everything…& mine is off! We’ll be in Florida by then so will not attend this year’s luncheon. However, I still conduct a zoom session every two weeks with Ann, Chris, Ruth, Carole, Roni & Nancy…a practice we began during the Pandemic! Enjoy the luncheon & give those attending a big Theta hug!
From: Nina (Friedman) Lazar - '66
So sorry I won't be able to make it. Two other family events are planned for that date. Perhaps next year... Please give my warmest regards to all who attend. Be happy and stay safe!
From: Carmella (Lagano) Alfano ‘66
- Thanks for the reminder. I wish I could be there. I have commitments on both Friday and Sunday of that weekend, and it’s too late to change either. Regards to the class of 1966!
From: Bobbi (Burns) Murray ‘71
- Regretfully, I am not able to attend the Theta luncheon this year. I just learned a few days ago that I need to be in Chicago that weekend. I will be meeting my son's "intended" in-laws. I am sending my RSVP today. I admire the job you're doing. I miss that Long Long line of Thetas...🎶 Sending purple 💜
From: Donna (Mastroianni) Kubovic ‘72 -
I will not be attending this year’s luncheon. I am having cataract surgery in October the week before and the week after the 21st. Please send my good wishes to all the Thetas who will be attending. Thanks to all the members who keep Theta going strong.
From: Carol (Cooper) Sonenblum ‘72
- Sorry, that I won't be able to attend. Please send my love to all my Theta sisters.
From: Linda Kvam ‘72
- I was really touched by the “Theta Phi” newsletter that I received over a month ago. I was especially surprised to see my name included in the list of “news” makers. Please tell Janice that she does a terrific job, and her efforts are appreciated by me and probably by everybody! I really enjoyed the luncheon last year and hope that you have a good time this year.
From: Ann (Bonventre) Van Damm ‘74 - Sorry I will have to miss this year’s get together. It’s my granddaughter’s 5th birthday and we are babysitting for the 3½ year old twins while mom and dad are in London. Busy weekend. Hello to all!!
From: Celeste (Silvers) Reingold ‘74 - Well, I will be back in Florida by the annual luncheon. Maybe next year-hope all is well- I look forward to seeing the news of all the Thetas. I am in St. Pete Beach Florida is anyone comes down my way.
From: Linda (Yatchie) Goncher ‘75 - I regret I won’t be able to attend. Have a great time Thetas!
Also, we received 2 individual donations towards the luncheon from:
Bob Mahoney, husband of Lolly Cox Mahoney ‘58. After Lolly passed away in 2021, Bob asked that we continue to send him the newsletter. He enjoys the connection to sisters he knew from when Lolly was at New Paltz. Last year he also sent us a donation.
Flo Ferguson Brandt ’68. Flow said that commitments keep her from attending luncheons but she wanted to help out.
Financial Update – Laurie Spiegel, Treasurer
2022: Last year, we began the year with $10,272.34 in the bank. Last October, we had twice the number of sisters attend the luncheon compared to the previous year and each plate was more expensive. So, we finished the year with a net luncheon expense of $558.70. With additional expenses for the newsletter and NY State income taxes, we ended the year with $9324.55 in the bank, a reduction of $947.79 from 2021. The 2022 financial statement is available here for anyone interested.
For this current year, with fewer sisters joining us today, our net expense for the luncheon will be around $175. Added to the typical newsletter and taxes expenses, Laurie expects the year to end with a reduction in assets of about $500. This will leave us with about $8800 in the bank.
The bottom line is that we have enough money to continue on, and we would like to plan for a luncheon next year.
Now this is the BIG news:
With our NY State Certificate of Incorporation dated April 24, 1933,
we are officially celebrating our 90th anniversary
as a SUNY New Paltz sorority!
Congratulations to each and every one of us,
and everyone who came before us for this achievement!!
Happy anniversary Theta Phi Gamma!!
Let’s toast to that!!!
Thanks to Janice Oehler for sharing the following news about Lynn Heyman (68).
Janice said that Lynn sent her a bookmark from her latest novel, Paris Moments, which she
wrote during the pandemic.
Olga Vezeris (‘68), a dear friend of Lynn’s,
has worked in publishing for over 30 years & helped with the editing
in addition to giving Lynn support while she worked on her novel. Lynn
has been invited to Paris & the French Riviera to do presentations
of her book. She stated, “I am so happy to have a major following in
France as well as here in the United States and around the world.”
According to the bookmark, Lynn has been a French teacher and has studied & spent years in Paris & throughout France.