What a delight to find this blog. I enjoyed reading the postings from those sisters I know and even those I don't. The pictures were a real test of my memory (not always successful)! My name is Ann Guthman Byrne and I was in the pledge class of 1965. I graduated New Paltz in 1968. Those of you who know me, might remember that I was going to Israel for a year to teach English. That I did, and I did meet my husband there; however, he is from England not Israel. We married in New York in 1970 and moved to Colorado in 1971. We currently live in Broomfield, CO a city just north of Denver.
We are both retired now and enjoying our life in our new community. In the past two years we have traveled to Italy, Russia and England with smaller trips to Florida and San Francisco. I would love to hear from those sisters who remember me and would like to catch up on the past 40 or so years. You can reach me at byrnera@comcast.net.
Yours in Theta,
Ann Guthman Byrne