This article appeared in "The Paltzonette" (Issue 5, Volume 9) on February 15, 1936. 

History of Theta Phi Fraternity
Gamma Chapter

The history of Theta Phi at NewPaltz, although short, 
has been momentous.

In the fall of 1929, the Alpha chapter at Cortland, wrote to Dean Fletcher, requesting the establishment of a chapter here in New Paltz.  The faculty debated the question and, believing there was a place for another sorority at New Paltz, finally reached a decision.  Each faculty member was asked to submit the names of ten girls, who were scholastically outstanding and best adapted to sorority life.  From this list the thirty girls whose names appeared most frequently were chosen.  These girls were called together and the matter put before them.  Thus, based upon these high standards of scholarship and personality, the Gamma chapter of Theta Phi was founded.  The chapter was formally installed in what is now Dr. van den Berg's office.  Dorothy Wells became our first president.

During the second year of existence, our banner waved proudly from our first sorority house on Plattekill Avenue.  From the minutes of meeting held in May, 1932, we take the following quotation:  "Theta Phi, Gamma Chapter, celebrated its first convocation with a prom held in the Normal School Gymnasium."  In years to come, future members will be able to read from the meetings of May, 1936:  "Theta Phi, Gamma Chapter again held convocation, followed by a convocation ball with Sigma Phi Sigma Honorary Fraternity as honored guests."

In 1933, the girls, deciding that perhaps the rural life would be more enjoyable, took up their abode in the wilds.  But, one winter tramping through heavy snows satisfied their desire for country life.  Thus we came to live in the "house on the hill," which has been our home for two happy and profitable years.  We hope for many more.

Though young in years, Gamma chapter has been graced with many honorary members.  Miss Harding became our advisor the year of organization.  The following year Miss Hold and Miss Ruth Bennett became members.  Since then we have been honored by the membership of Mrs. van den Berg, Mrs. Kline and Miss MacKenna.  This year, we are fortunate to have with us Mr. Arthur Bruce Bennett - our first male advisor.  Now under the capable leadership of Miss Harding and Mr. Bennett, we hope for years of continued "smooth sailing."


The article did not indicate who had written it, but, from the content, it had ao have been written by oneof the first Thetas.  The article was accompanied by a photo of Arthur Bruce Bennett, the first male advisor of Theta.

Note (2009 - In honor of Theta's 80th Anniversary):  Leslie Drojak found this article in her files.

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