This blog has been created to allow us to share what's been going on in our lives and communicate with each other in an open forum.
There are two ways you can add news or comments to the blog:
• You can email your comments (and photos) directly to me (azpook@gmail.com).
• You can also add news (but not photos) by clicking on "comments" at the bottom of each posting. Be sure to check for comments left by others!
Whenever there is a new posting, I'll send word out to everyone.
Spread the word! Please pass this site along to any Theta sisters you may be in touch with.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yours in Theta,
"Pook" Siprin Bellini
1967 Pledge Class President
• You can also add news (but not photos) by clicking on "comments" at the bottom of each posting. Be sure to check for comments left by others!
Whenever there is a new posting, I'll send word out to everyone.
Spread the word! Please pass this site along to any Theta sisters you may be in touch with.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yours in Theta,
"Pook" Siprin Bellini
1967 Pledge Class President