Sorry to miss the Fall Luncheon, but Paul and I just returned from
Africa where we experienced an incredible Safari. Visited three
countries, "safaried" at two different lodges and visited Victoria
Falls. I am keeping busy traveling, golfing, and volunteering in several
activities. - Jean Valentine Ward
I will be having lunch
with Ginny Apuzzo at P & G's in a couple of weeks. I'm sure we'll be
looking up at the House on the Hill with lots of memories to
Enjoy the annual luncheon and remember me to those from
Hi, I graduated in 1965 and married Alan 2 weeks after graduation. We
celebrated our 50th with a mini wedding given by our children and my 101
year old father. This past summer we continued the celebration when we
took the family on an Alaskan cruise. In 2017 I will celebrate 35 years working at Children's Healthcare Of
Atlanta. After teaching "well" children it has been quite a journey
working with hospitalized children. They are truly an example of courage
and strength. Happy Holidays to all. RONI ( Cojac ) MINTZ
all my Email Friends --- thank you so much for the prayers, cards and phone
messages that made my reverse colon surgery on September 23,2016 such a
wonderful success.... As many of you know from my daughter Stacey's postings, I
came home from the Saratoga Hospital on Friday Sept. 30 and will be getting the
38 plus staples out of the stomach incision this coming Friday, Oct 7.... Still
gathering my strengthen and trying to do more walking in the house and
eventually outside once I ampermitted
to do so....Can't believe what an emotional year this has been...I am blessed to
even be alive from the original septic poisoning and physical damage that it did
to my colon and stomach...God has been good to me, thanks to all of your
prayers..... Looking forward to a healthy year to come.... I will especially
miss my College Sorority Theta Phi reunion is Oct 16 but plan on being there
next year...Have fun Thetas and know I will be thinking of all of you...I am
looking forward to rejoining my social groups and especially swimming exercise
classes at the YMCA....thanks again for all your prayers and support, I am truly to all my friends & family,
Membership dues in the Theta Alumnae Association are $5.00 for one year and $25.00 for a lifetime membership. The annual newsletter and luncheon invitation are only sent to paid-up members. Anyone who hasn't received the newsletter can get back on the mailing list by sending their dues in to Leslie.
Mail to: Leslie Drojak, 104 Quail Drive, Kingston, NY 12401
Photos from past luncheons can be found by clicking here: PHOTOS Additional photos were posted under ALUMNAE NEWS and can be found in the ARCHIVE by date. 2011 2014
Send photos of your favorite Theta Memories and we'll post them here for everyone to enjoy!
So, you wanna sing The Blues? Click HERE for songs you're sure to remember.