As if Laura hasn't dealt with enough serious health problems through her life, she now faces yet another. She was just diagnosed with mesothelioma, thought to be a result of all the radiation she had received for previous cancer treatments. The good news is that it appears to be a small tumor that is operable. But, there may be lymph node involvement that would require additional treatment. She is set for additional tests over the next few weeks to determine her course of treatment.
Laura was my first roommate at New Paltz and remains my dear and special friend. To me and to all who know her, she is a true hero. In 2002, Laura was recognized as Vermont Survivor of the Year. In my eyes, she is Survivor of a Lifetime. She has always faced the challenges of life with tremendous courage and inner strength, and I know she will face this latest challenge with the same. She has given me the okay to share her status with all of you and, in doing so, I ask you to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she and her amazing team at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston move forward to beat this.
Love, hugs, prayers, and positive vibes being sent your way, old friend! Wishing you a renewal of body and spirit... Mi Shebeirach
Laura is in my prayers. As my Big Sister she was instrumental in my introduction to life in Theta. Always with affection and humor! I'm sure that is what had gotten her through these bumps (mountains?) in her journey. God bless you and continue to care for you, dear Laura.
With dignity and strength, you have weathered many of life's storms, Laura. Wishing you fortitude and courage as you go forward on your journey of healing. Nina Friedman '66
In my thoughts and prayers.
Map ‘68
Marilyn Ann Paganelli Walsh
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